Flash games won't start: what to do (Topic)

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Flash games won't start: what to do


Flash games are firmly entrenched among browser-based single-player games. They are minimal in size and differ in a simple algorithm of actions. You cannot keep your playing position in them, in case of defeat you always have to start over.

These are the most undemanding games to computer capabilities. The only prerequisite for their launch is the presence of the browser plug-in Adobe Flash Player. Flash content is now so widespread that the player is installed on almost all computers. And often the plugin is built into browsers automatically.

Nevertheless, users often encounter some kind of crashes when it is impossible to start a flash game. To start, restart your browser or open the game in another web browser. For example, instead of Yandex. Try Chrome, Firefox or Opera as a browser.

If that doesn't work, here's a list of the root causes of the failure and how to fix them.

  • Most common - your browser version is out of date. Please check for updates. Install them, this will most likely be enough. If even the updated browser "junk", then delete it. Download a new one from the Internet and install.
  • An outdated version of the player is an equally popular reason. Please update it. The flash application itself offers a link that indicates all the update steps.
  • It is possible that the Adobe Flash Player is not active. In new versions of some browsers, it is disabled by default. This can be checked in the plugin management menu.
  • The player's settings may be out of order. In this case, the existing settings should be deleted. You must sequentially perform the following steps: Control Panel > Computer settings > Flash Player block. In the "Advanced" section find "View data and settings", there will be a command "Delete everything."
  • Sometimes Flash Player refuses to launch the game due to Windows malfunction . Uninstall the old version of the player. Download and reinstall it.
  • It would not hurt to clear the player's cache. Going to the search box through the "Start", go to this query:% appdata% Adobe.Open the discovered folder, and in find another one - Flash Player. You need to remove it.

These are the basic tips for getting your Flash games running again. Their implementation does not require much effort from you. It is recommended that you restart your computer after each step. If, as a result of the manipulations done, the game still does not start, then report the error to the Flash Player technical support service. This can be done through a special form on the game page.

The Topic of Article: Flash games won't start: what to do.
Author: Jake Pinkman
