Genius rats rush to the rescue (Topic)

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Genius rats rush to the rescue

Image The film company MGM intends to present a pleasant gift to young viewers. According to Variety , the Hollywood studio is ready to return to the screens the heroes of Robert S. O'Brien's popular children's book “ Mrs. Frisbee and the NIPZ Rats ”.

The main character of the bestseller was a field mouse named Frisbee , which after the death of her husband had to take on the whole burden of care for children and household. Having barely survived the winter, the rodent family faces a new problem. The time of spring plowing is coming, during which the mice always move to their summer house. However, this time the situation is complicated by the fact that the youngest son of Mrs. Frisbee fell ill with pneumonia and is not ready for such a long journey. Fortunately, brilliant laboratory rats who have escaped from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIHI) come to the aid of the mouse family.

The book O'Brien went on sale in 1971, and a year later the American writer received for it one of the most prestigious awards in the field of children's literature - the John Newbury Medal .


In 1982, based on the famous work about friendship and mutual assistance, the animated film "The Secret of NIMH" was shot. Don Blute's tape has won many accolades in the press, recouped its $ 7 million budget and won the prestigious " Saturn " award. Sixteen years later, the cartoon received a sequel that went straight to video and did not generate much critical acclaim.

The first attempts to film a new version of " Mrs. Frisbee and the NIPZ Rats " were made back in 2009. Then the project was in the hands of the bosses of the studio Paramount Pictures , but two years ago the rights to film the book were bought by the company MGM , which at one time acted as distributor of “ Secret N .IMH. ". The bosses of one of Hollywood's oldest studios are reportedly ready to give the film the green light. Visually, the new adaptation of the bestselling book is expected to be a mixture of feature films and 3D animation.


The script for the film, tentatively titled Rats of NIMH , was written by Michael Berg (Ice Age), and the director's post went to James Madigan . The latter began his career in Hollywood back in the mid-90s as a visual effects expert. Professional recognition came to Madigan in 2006 when he won an Emmy for his work on the TV series Rome. The screen version of Robert S. O'Brien will give James a long-awaited opportunity to try his hand at director for the first time.

Daniel Bobker (The Key to All Doors) and Eren Krueger (Dream House) will be producing production.

The Topic of Article: Genius rats rush to the rescue.
Author: Jake Pinkman
