John Wick Producers Will Smuggle Drugs (Topic)

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John Wick Producers Will Smuggle Drugs

Image The company Thunder Road , which gave viewers such a thriller as "John Wick", is taking on an action movie called Smoke on the Water , reports the portal The Tracking Board . The script for the tape was written by Trey Calaway ("Revolution" / Revolution ) and Rick Parks ("The Story of Eternal Love").

The details of the plot of the future film are still kept secret, but it is known that its action will unfold in the world of professional rowing competitions, where a sea route is laid between Cuba and Key West, along which drugs are smuggled.

The project, as conceived by the producers, should initiate a new franchise that tells about the modern world of smuggling in the Florida coastal area. With the U.S. easing its embargo on Cuba, the militant's creators also hope to talk about the drug trade there.

In terms of atmosphere, the new film will remind viewers of the Fast and the Furious franchise rather than the thriller Killer with Emily Blunt, which was released last year.


The track record of Thunder Road includes many successful projects, among them - "Wrath of the Titans", "John Wick" and "City of Thieves", and the aforementioned "Assassin" nominated for three Oscars . The company continues to work on the adaptation of Splinter Cell , the remake of A Star is Born and the thriller A Gang Story.

The Topic of Article: John Wick Producers Will Smuggle Drugs.
Author: Jake Pinkman
