Jack Nicholson Returns to Movies in Tony Erdmann Remake (Topic)

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Jack Nicholson Returns to Movies in Tony Erdmann Remake


Contrary to rumors spread by some media, Jack Nicholson is not going to retire yet. In any case, this is evidenced by the fact that the famous Hollywood actor signed a contract to participate in the American remake of the German movie "Tony Erdmann". This is reported by The Wrap.

Recall that in the center of the plot of the original picture is an eccentric father who is trying to restore relations with his daughter. Despite the overall drama of the story, it was filled with a kind of humor. Doy of the main character agreed to play Kristen Wiig.

The rights to shoot the remake were acquired by Paramount Pictures, which has already started looking for a director. The terms of work on the project at the time of this writing have not been specified.

Note that the original movie received many prestigious awards and was nominated for an Oscar 2017 in the category "Best Foreign Language Film".

As for the three-time Academy Award winner Jack Nicholson, he has not appeared on the screens since 2010, when the melodrama "Who knows" was presented to viewers. In this regard, there have been suggestions that the famous Hollywood veteran has finally retired.

The Topic of Article: Jack Nicholson Returns to Movies in Tony Erdmann Remake.
Author: Jake Pinkman
