Researchers have found that the virtual world affects the behavior of people in reality (Topic)

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Researchers have found that the virtual world affects the behavior of people in reality


Scientists from one of the schools that are part of the structure of Stanford University came to the conclusion that augmented reality continues to affect people already in the physical world. Despite the fact that a person may stop using an AR headset, the virtual world continues to influence him and change his behavior.

After the experiments, the authors of the study summed up, where they published their results. Experts have found that augmented reality technology affects the external manifestations of a person, the way he performs various actions, speaks, walks, moves his arms and performs various tasks. In addition, the experience of augmented reality impacts on communication and interaction with real interlocutors.

To confirm the fact, the authors of the study conducted several experimental tests, in which 218 people agreed to take part. Scientists demonstrated to the volunteers a virtual man, or rather his 3D model. In an image created with AR-reality tools (where a virtual image is superimposed on top of physical objects), a virtual character named Chris was sitting on a chair. The participants were then given small intellectual tasks, while the virtual Chris monitored all of their activities. The experiment showed that people, as in reality, when outsiders "stand above their souls", physically perceived Chris's presence, which was reflected in the speed of completing tasks. As a result, the presence of the drawn character confused the volunteers and made them slower to complete their task.


Then the participants in the experiment were asked to choose a chair and sit on it. As it turned out, AR technologies extended their influence to the volunteers who used the headset at that time, and none of them chose the place where the virtual person was previously located, although he was no longer in the room. Even after people took off their AR headset, for some reason no one chose Chris's chair, which turned out to be a real surprise for the researchers.


In the course of the final experiment, people were divided into pairs, where one person was in an AR headset, and the other was without it. According to the study participants themselves, those who used the headset felt less engaged in the conversation and connected with their interlocutor. As a result, the authors of the experiment came to the conclusion that augmented reality is able to integrate with the physical world, changing behavior and interactions between people. In addition, participants noted that AR content was felt even after using the headset.

The Topic of Article: Researchers have found that the virtual world affects the behavior of people in reality.
Author: Jake Pinkman
