RoboCop is back in action (Topic)

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RoboCop is back in action

Image In 2018, Universal and Blumhouse released the horror film Halloween, which ignored everything in the franchise after the original slasher by John Carpenter. The new film about Michael Myers was a resounding success with viewers, and Hollywood was seized by a new fever - to shoot a direct continuation of the films that marked the beginning of the film series, in order to thus kill two birds with one stone, that is, to restart the franchise and forget about the unsuccessful sequels. With The Terminator, this trick did not work, but MGM is not embarrassed by this fact. The Major still intends to direct the 1987 sequel to RoboCop, and has already found a new director for the project: Australian Abe Forsyth will become him.

The original script was written by the original RoboCop authors Michael Miner and Edward Neumeier. After them on the text, ironically, worked Justin B. Rhodes, who had a hand in the last "Terminator". It was Rhodes' text that at one time attracted the attention of director Neil Blomkamp, who found himself out of the way with Robocop. When Blomkamp was still assigned to the project, the producers planned to use the very first RoboCop, Peter Weller, in the sequel. Whether these plans remain in effect is unknown, but Abe Forsyth will rework Rhodes' script.

The up-and-coming filmmaker began his directing career with Australian TV shows and short films, and this year saw the release of his comedy horror film "Little Monsters" starring Lupita Nyong'o, which earned a lot of positive press reviews.


As for RoboCop, director Paul Verhoeven's energetic manner, daring script and great design of the title character make the film considered an action classic. The 2014 reboot turned out to be not very successful, but the topics of law and order and corruption in the context of technology development are still interesting to the viewer, the main thing is to find a suitable wrapper for them. Let's hope RoboCop Returns avoids the mistakes of the last Terminator.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

The Topic of Article: RoboCop is back in action.
Author: Jake Pinkman
