Power Rangers Make Yellow Ranger Lesbian (Topic)

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Power Rangers Make Yellow Ranger Lesbian


Studio Lionsgate will present the first gay superhero in the fantasy movie "Power Rangers". According to The Hollywood Reporter, citing its sources, this is the Yellow Ranger Trini Kwan.

It is argued that in the second actor of the picture, the heroine will begin to think about her orientation and come to the conclusion that she is a lesbian. According to the director of the movie, Dean Israelit, this is a key moment for the whole plot. "Trini thinks a lot about who she is by nature, and ultimately makes a decision. In my opinion, the meaning of this scene for the movie is that there is nothing wrong with this choice. My movie kind of says," It's okay. " . Each of the young people must understand their nature and define their tribe, "he said.

It is worth noting that in comics, mainly DC, many of the heroines are lesbians, but in the movie adaptations they have always shown a normal orientation. Perhaps the creators of the full-length version of Power Rangers want to reverse the precedent, since in the original series, the Yellow Ranger was not a lesbian.

As a reminder, the movie with a production budget of $ 120 million will be released in USA and international cinemas on March 23, 2017.

The Topic of Article: Power Rangers Make Yellow Ranger Lesbian.
Author: Jake Pinkman
