Top Games of Spring 2020 (Topic)

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Top Games of Spring 2020


In the gaming industry, as you know, there are two periods when the coolest games are released - in spring and autumn. The beginning of 2020 became known in the game magazine as the "postponement period", as the coolest games of the spring were postponed either to autumn or even further towards the end of the year. The reasons for all developers are the same: “our game is ready, but we want to bring it to shine, so we are postponing it, laugh it off.”

But even with this situation, this spring can please us with juicy game projects that did not suffer fate, for example, Cyberpunk 2077. We will have several excellent comebacks that we have been waiting for, as well as, in principle, games that will close the outgoing generation consoles.

In her new video, Alice reviewed these upcoming spring game hits that you should definitely not miss. And although we do not know how long the quarantine will last, we can confidently say that we will definitely not suffer from the game drought.

The Topic of Article: Top Games of Spring 2020.
Author: Jake Pinkman
