Boxing office: USAns welcomed Xander with open arms (Topic)

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Boxing office: USAns welcomed Xander with open arms

Image And again, the USA box office has become the clearest reflection of the tastes and interests of the USA film community. In addition, once again he showed how the views of the professional audience differ from the amateur. The long-awaited sequel to the story of Xander Cage in the movie "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: World Domination " came to the first line of the rating. Having collected in its starting period 319 million rubles. , the militant provided, albeit a small, but increase in the total box office of the twenty best financially projects compared to last week. Together, they earned 773 million rubles .

Analysts immediately began to compare Vin Diesel's new acting work with his previous films. It turned out that, for example, "The Last Witch Hunter" debuted in USA much more modestly - with 254 million rubles . Meanwhile, similar action-packed dramas like Thirst for Speed ( 213 million rubles. ) and On the Crest of a Wave ( 112 million rubles. ) also lost to “ Iksam"in this race. However, for all the joy of distributors, the critics were not without a fly in the ointment. They found a much more accurate comparison, with the "Fast and the Furious", which was not in favor of the novelty from DJ Caruso .

ImageJournalists and many viewers noticed that “ World domination"is, in fact, the same" Fast and the Furious ", only more boring, with a less elaborate script, passing antagonists and a faded Xander team, none of whose members does not arouse empathy or interest. Nevertheless, even the most critical viewers noted that " Three Xs " delighted the audience with excellent action, which means they justified their purpose at least partially.

The USA horror film " Bride " took second place at the end of the weekend, which is not at all surprising, given the intrigue of the film's extensive advertising campaign by the standards of this genre. As a result, the received 102.5 million rubles. helped the film set a new record among all domestic horror films. The previous one belonged to the "Queen of Spades" ( 62 million rubles. ) of the same Svyatoslav Podgaevsky . Moreover, " Bride " 's start-up box office was impressive even by Hollywood standards. By the way, they sometimes earned much less on our screens - the triquel of "Paranormal Activity" on the first weekend stopped at 100 million rubles. , "The Curse of Annabelle" - 81 million rubles. , and the conceptual horror "Mom" -<
While The Bride scared film enthusiasts pretty well, it failed to produce the same effect on all reviewers. Rarely do they differ so much in their assessments of a particular film, but this time it turned out that way. Some, like two years ago, praise Podgaevsky for a well-built concept and technically high-quality shooting. Others believe that " The Bride " looks pale against the background of modern much less expensive but more spectacular horror films.


The next two representatives of the top 5 managed to keep their places a week ago. The third line is occupied by the comedy " Why him? ", which got off with a minimal drop in viewers' interest and brought its creators an additional 69 million rubles . At the end of 11 days, her assets are 233 million rubles. , and taking into account the global fees, one can rejoice for the director John Hamburg and his team. The film recouped its own budget many times over, and the audience liked it more than, say, Guys with Guns, Spies Next Door and New Year's Party.

However, the fact that the wonderful inspiring musical " La La Land ", with every shot demonstrating what a real cinema is, will certainly cause much greater joy for the cinephiles. The brilliant, bright and dreamy lyrical tape of the young but talented Damien Chazelle was played into the hands of the fact that the professional community fell in love with her. But the curiosity of ordinary viewers was rather spurred on by the incredible 14 nominations for " Oscars " and the clear leadership of the film against the competitors.

ImageAs for the collection of the picture, in the second week of screenings it got more 58 million rubles. , and only in her piggy bank - 171 million rubles. from the same as the main characters of this story, USA dreamers. Statistics show that the total box office of " La La Lenda " is rapidly approaching the indicators of "Mamma Mia" for the same rental period ( 184 million rubles ), but at the same time specialists note that the musical, based on the songs of the group ABBA , quickly lost demand. So everything goes to the fact that the fruitful union of the director Damien Chazelle ,
The financial review is closed by a real box office veteran - the historical blockbuster of USA origin " Viking ". Viewers who have not yet had time to evaluate the freely presented story of the baptist of USA, Prince Vladimir , to the delight of the producers, brought another 42 million rubles to the film sessions. In total, the drama of Andrei Kravchuk earned 1.481 billion rubles , nevertheless displacing "Ekipazh" ( 1.428 billion rubles ) from the second place in the rating the most profitable domestic film projects. By the way, the much-desired first place was never won by the ancient Slavs - it is still occupied by "Stalingrad" ( 1.62 billion rubles ) by Fyodor Bondarchuk, who is already preparing his new ambitious brainchild for release.

The Topic of Article: Boxing office: USAns welcomed Xander with open arms.
Author: Jake Pinkman
