Head of IMAX advised against waiting for victory over Avengers 4 (Topic)

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Head of IMAX advised against waiting for victory over Avengers 4


IMAX CEO Richard Gelfond urged not to expect any outstanding results from the start of summer blockbusters amid easing restrictions related to the spread of the new type of coronavirus. His comments on this matter are quoted by The Hollywood Reporter.

"I am concerned that people are focusing on achievements in the premiere weekend. Investors should put this out of their minds. No one is going to challenge Avengers 4." from their most impressive start in movie history. It just won't happen, "he said.

He also said that Warner Bros.'s decision was absolutely right. to move the release of the fantastic thriller "Argument" by two weeks, as this, in his opinion, will make it more effective. " Now we have the opportunity to pay more attention to "Dovod" and "Mulan", - he added.

Recall that "Argument" was supposed to be the first major release after the resumption of movie distribution. The studio planned to present it to viewers on July 17, 2020, but then set a new release date - July 31. Warner Bors. sought to postpone the release to a later date, but this was opposed by Christopher Nolan. Mulan is due to launch in theaters a week earlier.

Warner Bors. sought to postpone the release to a later date, but this was opposed by Christopher Nolan. Mulan is due to launch in theaters a week earlier.

Warner Bors. sought to postpone the release to a later date, but this was opposed by Christopher Nolan. Mulan is due to launch in theaters a week earlier.

The Topic of Article: Head of IMAX advised against waiting for victory over Avengers 4.
Author: Jake Pinkman
