The US Boxing Office was hooked by Logan (Topic)

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The US Boxing Office was hooked by Logan

Image Every year Hollywood offers viewers more and more films about superheroes and masked avengers. And to stand out among all this monotony, the creators of some projects go to various tricks, for example, award their creations an adult rating R .

Following the success of Deadpool last year, the blockbuster Logan has followed in his footsteps, in which viewers last see Hugh Jackman as Wolverine . Studio 20th Century Fox made the right decision - with the amount of $ 85.3 million , James Mangold without difficulty took first place in the financial ranking according to the results of the past weekend. This proves once again that moviegoers are not averse to seeing something more bloody or cheeky than the average X-Men movie.

Logan had the fastest start this year, ranking fifth in terms of this indicator among all feeds rated R . Solo The Wolverines skipped ahead to the films Deadpool , The Matrix 2 Reloaded, The Sniper and The Hangover 2: Vegas to Bangkok. In other countries, the brainchild of Mangold also managed to achieve an impressive result - immediately $ 152.5 million went to the blockbuster's piggy bank.


Nostalgia, rave reviews from critics and an A- rating from moviegoers are the main ingredients for the continued success of Logan . According to reviewers, this is the ending that Wolverine deserves, and although the film turned out to be rather risky in a creative sense, this is the best interpretation of the story of the clawed mutant of all existing ones.


Despite the fact that the leader of last week, the horror movie " Get Out ", over the past weekend in comparison with "Logan" earned little, only $ 26.1 million the tape is not worth criticizing for that. Unlike a movie comic book with a considerable budget, the horror movie was filmed for only $ 4.5 million , and now it has $ 76 million at home. And in a week, the film lost only 22% of its debut box office, which is probably due to the high marks it received. Comedian Jordan Peele made an impressive directorial debut - the combination of social satire with horror gives a stunning effect, which is confirmed by the results of the film in two weeks in theaters.


Third place over the weekend went to The Shack , which grossed $ 16.1 million and is further proof that Christian projects have great potential when it comes to North American rental. And although professional critics were not too loyal to the film Stuart Hazeldine , viewers gave it the highest rating A . The reviewers praised the actors' play, but noted that the tape lacked dynamism - the events on the screen were too slow and unconvincing. On the other hand, The Shack has shown the best start among religious dramas since the release of Heaven is Real.

The animation film " Lego Movie: Batman " has dropped to the fourth position, adding $ 11.7 million to its asset. Now on the account of the cartoon Chris McKay $ 148.6 million , collected in the United States, and $ 108.2 million from other countries. Overall, $ 256.8 million is a good result for a project shot for $ 80 million , although the spin-off falls short of the achievements of the founder of the Lego franchise. Film.


Closes the top 5 this week with the newcomer of the rental - the melodrama "The Matrix of Time ". This is the first film produced by Awesomeness Films , and given that the studio spent less than $ 5 million on production, the debut result of $ 4.9 million is good start. Critics praised Zoey Deutsch's acting and the work of director Rea Russo-Young , who, from Lauren Oliver's youthful novel, was able to cross between Groundhog Day and Deadly Attraction, adding thriller elements to the teenage drama.

The Topic of Article: The US Boxing Office was hooked by Logan.
Author: Jake Pinkman
