Creator of District 9 will restart Robocop (Topic)

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Creator of District 9 will restart Robocop


MGM will try to breathe new life into the popular Robocop franchise in the past. According to Deadline, the new movie titled "RoboCop Returns" will be directed by South African director Neil Blomkamp, who created the famous "District 9".

The producers of the new version will be the scriptwriters of the original movie from 1987 Edward Neumeier and Michael Miner. It is argued that the plot will be based on their own ideas, which were supposed to form the basis of the sequel to Paul Verhoeven's movie, but were never used.

Recall that the cult science fiction movie presented the story of a mortally wounded policeman from Detroit Alexa Murphy, which, thanks to the efforts of scientists from the OCP corporation, turns into a cyborg and becomes a threat to the underworld. The main role was played by Peter Weller.

The audience liked the image so much that the first movie was followed by several full-length sequels, as well as many TV series and cartoons. In 2014, an attempt was made to reboot the franchise, but not very successful: the new version of "Robocop" earned a little over $ 242 million at the worldwide box office with a production budget of $ 100 million.

The Topic of Article: Creator of District 9 will restart Robocop.
Author: Jake Pinkman
