Scientist translated the phrase of the android David from Prometheus (Topic)

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Scientist translated the phrase of the android David from Prometheus


One of the key moments of the movie `` Prometheus '' is a short dialogue between the android David and the surviving Engineer. Everyone knows what the Engineer's reaction was, but it was still unclear what the robot told him.

According to TheBioScopist, David spoke in the movie in one of the variants of the Proto-Indo-European language - the ancestor of the languages of the Indo-European family.

David's teacher, who appears in the movie in the form of a hologram, was a real expert in this matter - Dr. Anil Biltu from the London SOAS language center. He agreed to translate the phrase android.

David says the following: " / ida hman ə m a ɪ kja nam ṛ tuh zd ɛ: taha / … / gh ʷ ɪ vah-pjorn - ɪ ttham sas da: t ṛ kredah /". Which means, “This person is here because he doesn't want to die. He believes you can extend his life. ” What happened next is known to everyone who has already watched the movie.

According to Dr. Bilt, the dialogue between David and the Engineer was actually much longer, but for the theatrical version it was shortened.

Quite the full episode may be included in the director's cut on discs.

The Topic of Article: Scientist translated the phrase of the android David from Prometheus.
Author: Jake Pinkman
