”I'm a video game master, but haven't played any game.” Who is Andrzej Sapkowski for the gaming industry? Part two (Topic)

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”I'm a video game master, but haven't played any game.” Who is Andrzej Sapkowski for the gaming industry? Part two


Andrzej Sapkowski is a very odious person. On the one hand, he is the father of Geralt from Rivia, on the other hand, without even launching a single game from CD Projekt Red, he sues them and demands 16 million from the studio for his own stupidity. This is a continuation of the Gamepressure article, which deals with the question of who Andrzej Sapkowski is for the gaming industry. Read the first part of our material to stay informed.

Modesty is a treatable disease

I have no doubt that up to this point you are already thinking about the author of The Witcher: "Sapkowski is such a modest guy, and not very proud of his achievements" [attention: increased proportion of sarcasm]. Oh yes, without a doubt, modesty (or better to say its absence) is a hallmark of Sapkowski, which makes all his listeners think about their attitude towards him. Hmmm, but what can Mr. Sapkowski himself say about this? The most rude, although not without humor, are his words from Fantasy Days 2014: "Modesty is a curable disease."

“Many legends about me are complete shit from start to finish. I know about this because I myself came up with and started a couple of rumors. The only exceptions are stories about my erudition - this is just a faint shadow of reality "- Sapkowski said in 2001.


And at last year's Lucca Comics and Games 2019, the following was said from his lips:

“Those looking for international success will need two things: outstanding talent and a great agent. Fortunately, I have both. ”

As one friend of mine says:

“In high school about 14 years ago, I was at a meeting with Andrzej Sapkowski on the main square in Krakow. During the Q&A, he answered one of his readers this way:

"Mister, I can write a book about Francis of Assisi that will make you cry, and I can write so that you can become an atheist."


Here are a couple of interesting quotes from Sapkowski. One is very arrogant, and the second is more or less critical, and dilutes the image of a narcissistic asshole [free interpretation of the translator - WorldOfTopics] from the book "History and Fantasy":

“Sapkowski: I am well versed in many things with an IQ of about 200.

Journalist: Do you like talking about IQ? So I think ... Sapkowski: I already know what you are thinking. Contrary to your suspicions, I am not a deceiver. What annoys me is something else: this endless pretense, when writers, usually during interviews and meetings, pretend to be orphans who sit quietly and modestly, muttering something vaguely to themselves. I do not like falsehood, and I hate to exalt myself because it is unnatural; but the idea of oneself as a semi-intellectual in order to make a better impression is certainly even more offending. ”

It would seem that with such an approach, it is not difficult to understand why the author of books is so scrupulous about his creation, and does not even want to play games. However, they also tried to adapt his work into films. And here is his opinion on the movie "The Last Wish":

“When I first saw the film, I wanted to leave the country and never return. But perhaps this is the opinion of the author, who thinks that he created a perfect universe, which cannot be compared with any adaptation. ”

And probably this is one of those cases when Sapkowski expressed an honest and direct, if not stingy, opinion about the film directed by Marek Brodzki.

[Writer's] Pride and [Fan's] Prejudice

One can argue whether Sapkowski is really devoid of modesty [as he says from time to time] or simply too much of an opinion of himself [which he denies, as we have seen], or whether we are simply dealing with an artist who knows the value of his work and sees no point in pretending that he achieved success by accident?


Sapkowski himself believes:

“I worked on my brand, and all the recognition I got as a result rightfully belongs to me. I'm not going to indulge in false modesty: "Ah, I succeeded, but I don't care, I'm not interested at all." Let's give up this shit, we are adults. If you like, do an interview with some of the mainstream assholes and you will have the opportunity to hear something like that. ”

Although he also has a sober assessment of self-importance:

“Although the media tried to promote it, I don’t think — even if I gave up the modesty, which I almost do not have, that I could become a rival and rival, for example, for Stanislav Lem. And I doubt he will think of me. After all, there is no reason for this. ”

“(...) comparing me to my beloved Eco is too much of a compliment for me, I don’t like it, and I don’t want to receive undeserved compliments.”

Protector of readers, keeper of fantasy connoisseurs


Even more surprising are situations similar to those described in History and Fantasy, where Sapkowski at some point reproaches Stanislav Beres [famous Polish historian - approx. Ed] for his dismissive attitude towards the general reader:

“You have a very bad opinion of the readers. It’s not fair. In times of total rudeness, stupidity and stupidity, you insult those who read anything at all, implying that they have no taste and crave stereotypes [...] of people who still read books, you need to adore. Maybe they are the last people who will be interested in it. And what will happen when they leave? Have you ever thought about this? Because I think about it a lot and quite often. ”

Sapkowski expresses similar views every time he receives research results on reading books in Poland:

“It's sad, but we are gradually becoming a stupid society. We have never complained that the country lacks, idiots and morons, but now we can even talk about dictatorship. Now you have to be an idiot, an idiot and an uneducated dumbass who doesn't even know the basic rules of Polish speech and spelling. It has become normal because it is fashionable, socially acceptable and even highly regarded. You can see this every day. And not only when traveling by public transport. Just turn on the TV or read the newspaper. Or, even worse, take a look at the forums. "

In addition, the author stubbornly defends quality fantasy literature and those who value it.

The author's dark shades


However, every situation in which Andrzej Sapkowski reveals his more decent human nature is immediately followed by his dark sense of humor, which can be offensive to sensitive listeners. For example:

“Journalist: What advice would you give to young people trying to become writers?

AS: I would sincerely advise them to put this stupid idea out of their heads and find some decent and useful job. "- interview with" G Crew ", 2002

“Do you lack imagination? Do not write. Try other professions. To become a politician does not require any imagination or intelligence. ”- interview with Empik News, 2004

“Honestly, I have only one complaint against journalists, and it is not far-fetched, on the contrary, it is backed up by an unpleasant but significant experience: in most cases these are ignorant people who do not know anything about many things. However, they think they know everything and can act as oracles. ”

Troll or Fortune Teller?

So who is Andrzej Sapkowski and who is he for the gaming industry? You have to understand that we are dealing with a complex and multifaceted figure, which is difficult to describe in a modest online article ... But you can say the same about almost every person, right?

In any case, for those of you who would like to form a more complete opinion of him, it is better to consult the sources. The best way is to get your hands on the History and Fantasy book, which has been quoted many times in this article.


Summing up, the author says that he adores Sapkowski. Despite all the nonsense, despite the insults, despite all his views that he disagrees with, he has a soft spot for the author's personality.

One day Christopher would like to interview Andrzej Sapkowski. Of course, it will end badly for him, because Sapkowski does not like journalists. But the chance to receive your own personal insult from a legend once called “the greatest jester of Polish literature” ... That would be a real achievement.

On our own, we add that we should be grateful to Sapkowski that he wrote such an amazing story. Alas, it so often happens that great creators are assholes, and Sapkovsky is no exception. He looks like an old grumpy grandfather who is always unhappy with the way you study.

Let's just say he sold CD Projekt Red some great meat they could cook. But again, no matter how you cook, you cannot achieve excellent taste without good ingredients. And no matter how rude and unpleasant the butcher is, we will come back to him again for another piece.

The Topic of Article: ”I'm a video game master, but haven't played any game.” Who is Andrzej Sapkowski for the gaming industry? Part two.
Author: Jake Pinkman
