Casting: Farmiga's Electric Dreams and Moss Typhoid Fever (Topic)

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Casting: Farmiga's Electric Dreams and Moss Typhoid Fever

Image Nominee for Oscars and Golden Globes , Bates Motel star Vera Farmiga , signed a contract to film a television adaptation the works of the famous science fiction writer Philip K. Dick, writes the edition ScreenRant . The project currently boasts an impressive star cast. Brian Cranston, Steve Buscemi, Richard Madden, Anna Paquin, Terrence Howard, Greg Kinnear, Timothy Spall, Mireille Inos and Benedict Wong are already credited with the anthology Electric Dreams .

Farmiga will appear alongside Mel Rodriguez ("The Last Man on Earth") in an episode titled "Kill All Other" . The episode will be written and directed by Emmy nominee Dee Rees (Empire).

The episode is a screen version of the story "The Dull Stranger" , in the center of the plot of which is thehero who noticed a dead body hanging on a lamp post right in the middle of the street. Only now, apart from him, no one else notices this body. It all started with a statement by a woman politician, which pushed people to violence. Farmiga will embody the image of a politician on the screen, and Rodriguez will become the only person who sees fit resist her beliefs and endanger herself as a result.


The anthology will presumably be similar in style to Britain's Black Mirror, which is broadcast on Channel 4 , which also produces Electric Dreams . Each episode will be based on a separate story by the legendary writer, whose works have inspired filmmakers to create films such as Blade Runner, Total Recall and Minority Report.


Meanwhile, according to the information portal Collider , the second part of the adventures of the cheeky and cynical superhero Deadpool has found a performer for the role of the main villain. Jack Kesey ("The Strain", "Rescuers Malibu") is going to join the cast of the project, among which there are Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, Leslie Uggams, Stefan Kapicic, Brianna Hildebrand and TJ Miller and rookies Josh Brolin and Zazie Bitz.


While Cable played by Josh Brolin will become the protagonist's ally, Kesey will bring him a lot of problems. Although there is no confirmation of what kind of role the actor got, but with a high degree of probability he will embody the image of Black Tom Cassidy on the screen. According to the comics, a Dublin-born villain can manipulate energy through plants. He is also able to create deafening impulses with wooden objects, usually his cane. Sounds pretty ridiculous, but this is the kind of character that fits perfectly into a movie about a chatty mercenary.

The release of the picture on the big screens is scheduled for June 1, 2018 .


The Handmaid's Tale star Elisabeth Moss will team up with Annapurna Television and BBC America to film the new miniseries Fever* ( Fever ), in which the actress will play the main role and act as an executive producer.

Based on the novel of the same name by the writer Mary Beth Keane , the series tells the story of the first known healthy carrier of typhoid fever - Mary Mallon . Working as a chef in the rapidly expanding New York of the early 20th century, she managed to infect about 50 people, after which she was nicknamed Typhoid Mary .

Moss acquired the rights to the book and sent the material to Phil Morrison (June Beetle), who has since signed on to direct and executive produce the drama. Another producer of the series, as well as the author of the adaptation of the novel, is the scriptwriter Robin Veit (Mad Men).


“I look forward to telling the story of one of America's most disgraced women, Typhoid Mary . Women whose story has never been told. She immigrated to New York at the end of the century, in a time of progress and great change, - shared the lead singer Elisabeth Moss . -She was unique, incredibly stubborn, ambitious and vehemently denied any involvement in the spread of the disease until her death, spending her final years in a prison on an island near the Bronx. She is an incredibly difficult character and I would love to play her. ”.

*- preliminary translation.

The Topic of Article: Casting: Farmiga's Electric Dreams and Moss Typhoid Fever.
Author: Jake Pinkman
