Throne for Summer (Topic)

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Throne for Summer

Image Earlier this week, the director of the blockbuster "Tron: Legacy" Joseph Kosinski admitted to reporters that the studio Disney froze work on the third film in the franchise due to being busy with other projects from Marvel and Lucasfilm . For several years the triquel could not budge, and the year before last, House of Mouse finally threw it on the shelf. As it turns out, the major has not completely put an end to the franchise and plans to reboot it, as reported by the website The Hollywood Reporter . It also became known that Jared Leto claims the main role in the new film.

So far, the actor is only negotiating, but if the parties come to an agreement, then Summer will also be engaged in producing the blockbuster together with Emma Ludbrook and Justin Springer ("Oblivion"). The project remains without a director and screenwriter, but the management of Disney is ready to get the Tron 3 script out of the bins and, based on it, build the plot of the new film. Kosinski , by the way, told reporters that, according to his idea, the third part would take place both in the real world and in System .

The source writes that Summer can play a hero named Ares . In previous films in the series, the character was not involved, but he was assigned a key role in the script for the triquel. Interestingly, before stopping work on the new Tron , the bosses of Disney were going to invite Summer to the cast of the film.


Dallas Buyers Club was supposed to kickstart a Summer cinematic career, but his portrayal of The Joker in Suicide Squad bewildered critics and even brought Jared nomination for Golden Raspberry . Perhaps thanks to the films "The Outsider" and "Blade Runner 2049" the actor will be able to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of the audience.

The Topic of Article: Throne for Summer.
Author: Jake Pinkman
