Will Smith be a hero again? (Topic)

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Will Smith be a hero again?

Image Vin Diesel and the producers of Bloodshot insisted that Sony produce the action game in the midst of a global pandemic, but due to the closure of most of the cinemas, the major had to send the blockbuster on video ahead of schedule. This strategy has paid off, but Bloodshot is unlikely to be profitable for the company. However, it is too early to put an end to the cinematic universe based on the Valiant comics, and now it is being built by the Paramount studio.

According to the latest rumors, the producers are not sitting idly by and are already collecting Hollywood stars who will help them launch a new franchise. John Cena has practically confirmed that he will play X-O Warrior, and the Major wants to invite Tom Hardy for the role of the Time Drifter. Now you can add another name to this list. Insiders claim that the next in line for the producers was a secret agent and martial artist Ninjak, and the main contender for this role is Will Smith.

In the original comics, Colin King comes from an aristocratic family whose parents worked for British intelligence. Most of the time, the guy was left to himself, and the butler was engaged in his upbringing, who dedicated Colin to the secrets of espionage. As a result, from a playboy millionaire, he turned into one of the coolest mercenaries in the world, nicknamed Ninjak.


After the failure of Suicide Squad, Will Smith refused to return to playing Deadshot in the James Gunn reboot. Apparently, the actor decided to stay away from the superhero genre, so Paramount will have to try to lure Smith into their networks.

Source: We Got This Covered

The Topic of Article: Will Smith be a hero again?.
Author: Jake Pinkman
