”Red Sonja” could become a TV series (Topic)

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”Red Sonja” could become a TV series

Image For a dozen years now, Nu Image and Millennium Films have been trying to film a new adaptation of the graphic novels about Red Son . Over the years, Robert Rodriguez, Douglas Arniokoski and Simon West managed to visit the director's chair of the film about the famous comic book heroine, but they could not get the project off the ground. A year ago we wrote that Christopher Cosmos had started working on a new version of the script, but after that an information vacuum has once again formed around the Red Sonja.

According to the portal Bleeding Cool , Red Sonja may return to the screens thanks to Brian Singer . This summer, the filmmaker will bring the second mutant trilogy to its logical conclusion in X-Men: Apocalypse. Last April, rumors emerged that for Singer the upcoming blockbuster would be the last X-Men movie. Evidence that Brian intends to take a break from the superhero genre is his next project - the adaptation of Jules Verne's novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.


According to as yet unconfirmed information, after filming the film about the adventures of " Nautilus ", Singer plans to return to the world of television, with which he is familiar from working on such series as "Battle Creek "( Battle Creek ) and Dr. House ( House MD .). Reportedly, Brian has long dreamed of a television adaptation of Red Sonja . The filmmaker focuses on an adult rating to try and sell his project on cable channels. Rumor has it that Singer will take over the director's chair for the pilot and will also take on the production of the series alongside Jason Taylor and Stephen L'Ore. Insiders report that the funding of “ Red Sonja

Officials for Singer and TWC-Dimension have so far declined to comment. It is currently unknown how the television adaptation of the Red Sonja comics could affect the plans of Nu Image and Millennium Films to create a full-length film adaptation.

Red Sonja made her debut in the Marvel comics pages in 1973. Twelve years later, Richard Fleischer's film starring Brigitte Nielsen and Arnold Schwarzenegger was filmed based on graphic novels about a fearless warrior.


The Topic of Article: ”Red Sonja” could become a TV series.
Author: Jake Pinkman
