Anatomy of banks (Topic)

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Anatomy of banks

Image Two-time Golden Globe nominee Patrick Dempsey (Grey's Anatomy) and 2015 Venice Film Festival-winning Italian actor Alessandro Borghi (Don't Be Evil) have both signed on to star in a new Netflix financial thriller titled Devils ("Devils *"). This is reported by Deadline. The plot of the ten-episode English-language series will be based on the bestseller of the Italian trader Guido Maria Brera.

The drama will unfold in the office of a large London bank, which is visited by a ruthless professional in his field, a trader named Massimo Ruggiero (Borghi). The bank's CEO Dominic Morgan (Dempsey) will introduce the newcomer to his colleagues and become his main mentor. However, soon Massimo will get involved in an international financial war, which will shake the economic system of all of Europe, and will be forced to make a choice - to take the side of his mentor or to go for betrayal and give battle to Morgan. According to the source, the plot of the book is partially based on the events of the 2008 financial crisis.


The show will be led by Nick Harran, who directed two episodes of UK Sherlock, and Jean Michelini (Medici: Lords of Florence), and will be funded by Sky Italia, behind Young Pope and Gomorrah, and Lux Vide. Filming will start next month and will take place in London and Rome.

* - preliminary translation.

The Topic of Article: Anatomy of banks.
Author: Jake Pinkman
