Top 250. The world through the eyes of Forrest Gump (Topic)

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Top 250. The world through the eyes of Forrest Gump

Image Forrest Gump is a unique phenomenon in the world of cinema. It is understandable and easy to grasp at the first viewing, but at the tenth to fiftieth it brings down the whole weight of its implications on your head. He talks about sad things (war, AIDS, pain), but he never fails to cheer up. However, the most important paradox is that we, such smart and such adults, really want and, in fact, very useful from time to time to look at the world through the eyes of Forrest - a person with a small IQ, but a large heart.

A neatly dressed man at the bus stop tells the story of his life to strangers. Despite his low (no five points normal) "IQ", Forrest 's life is a series of extraordinary events. He taught Elvis to dance, became a Vietnam War hero, an American football star, met with Kennedy and Nixon , opened a lucrative shrimp business, acted as an investor in Apple etc. And all this time he did not let go of his heart the love for the beautiful girl Jenny , whom he met while on the school bus.


Forrest tells his story and - simultaneously, but not accidentally - the history of America in the 1950s and 1980s.

ImageIt's hard to imagine today, but in 1994, when Robert Zemeckis came out on big screens, reviews on it were not only positive. Among the frivolous claims like "weak love line" and "overloaded soundtrack" came across more specific accusations. The deepest digging critics accused the director of encouraging the cult of a gentle, blunt citizen who is useful to the country and, due to this simplicity, achieves success.

Others saw in "Forrest Gump" too easily formalized indulgence for Vietnam, they say America made a mistake, but has already forgiven itself. Well, if these kinds of thoughts prevent these people from enjoying the movie, you can only sympathize with them.

The “simpler” viewers will certainly appreciate the acting, the music, and the visual effects, for which Forrest Gump received one of its six Oscars . Tom Hanks , rumored to be close to 120, has done an incredible job on himself. His facial expressions, voice, plasticity, eyes, even clothes - everything, down to the last button, works for an image that is impossible not to sympathize with.


Sally Field, already at that time a veteran of Hollywood, became the ideal mother of a special child: all her love for him, a straight back and a proud look to everyone else. As for Robin Wright, she played Jenny in such a way that it immediately becomes clear why Forrest got stuck on this, in general, not very suitable person for him. In addition, Robin , although she was in the shadow of Tom , told the story of her heroine no less fascinatingly - concisely, but very succinctly and vividly.


However, our film fan loves this film not only for its apparent merits. And, of course, not for the fact that he"through the eyes of an innocent child shows how America is deprived of innocence"(as the magazine People wrote). Let this country deal with those who make it look unattractive.


The roots of the love of the domestic audience for Forrest go rather to the tender attitude towards all kinds of holy fools and princes Myshkin , instilled in us from school. But only in USA culture they, more often than not, are supposed to suffer for the truth, and they don't even have to stutter about financial success. Here, the main character is in absolute harmony, on all fronts, despite his losses. And this harmony literally oozes off the screen, infecting the viewer with good mood and optimism, refreshing and invigorating like a glass of cool ginger lemonade on a hot afternoon.

And finally, Forrest Gump supports and strengthens in us the belief that it is still possible, it is possible to act according to conscience and not feel like a fool or mentally retarded. And you don't need to be seven spans in your forehead to distinguish black from white, and every special case from the field of gray morality is sometimes worth looking through the eyes of Forrest .


Previous reviews-annotations for films from the Top 250 :

1. Ode to Requiem for a Dream
2. Leafing through the "Memory Diary"
3. In the "Society of Dead Poets"
4. The charm of "Casablanca"
5. Living "Groundhog Day"
6. Try "Catch Me If You Can"
7. Listening to The Silence of the Lambs
8. Aroma of "Magnolia"
9. You Can't Kill a Mockingbird
10. The fate of Schindler's List
11. Big Secrets of Los Angeles
12. Desperate "Graduate"
13. Alfonso Cuaron and "The Prisoner of Azkaban"
14. Operation Fargo
15. Life through the "Window to the courtyard"
16. Survival Into the Wild
17. Rita Hayworth and The Shawshank Redemption
18. Stop "Green Mile"
19. Lost in Lost in Translation
20. Vivien Leigh and Gone with the Wind
21. Cool "The Boondock Saints"
22. Cocktail Hell "Pulp Fiction"
23. The Magic of The Princess Bride
24. Violent American Story X
25. Two hearts of "Leon"
26. Sean the Zombie Winner
27. The Big Lebowski Strike
28. Rediscover One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
29. The noise and fury of Fight Club

To be continued!

The Topic of Article: Top 250. The world through the eyes of Forrest Gump.
Author: Jake Pinkman
