The Ridges of Madness movie will not be due to Prometheus (Topic)

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The Ridges of Madness movie will not be due to Prometheus


Guillermo Del Toro finally abandoned his plans to movie Howard Lovecraft's book The Rims of Madness because of the movie Prometheus, which was directed by Ridley Scott. The Mexican director himself reported this on the DelToroFilms website.

" Filming " Prometheus " started while we were at the pre-production stage of the Pacific Front project. The name itself alerted me, so I knew that `` Alien '' myself was movieed under the influence of Lovecraft. My guess is that the basic idea behind Ridley Scott's painting is also rooted in Lovecraft's concept of creation. I suppose it is, and if this is true, then I would love to watch Scott's movie. But at the same time, this means a postponement in the creation, if not the complete cancellation of the movieing of Ridges of Madness, - the director writes.

Recall that the studio Universal closed the project in early 2011. The official reason is too large a production budget and Del Toro's refusal to make a movie rated PG13.

The Topic of Article: The Ridges of Madness movie will not be due to Prometheus.
Author: Jake Pinkman
