Brad Pitt purchased a Soviet T-54 tank (Topic)

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Brad Pitt purchased a Soviet T-54 tank


After the movieing of the movie `` World War Z '' the leading actor and producer of the movie, Brad Pitt, purchased a Soviet T-54 tank, which was used in several episodes.

According to the Daily Mail, the combat vehicle made a great impression on the actor, and he decided to include it in his collection of rare vehicles. The model of the tank will be transported to the USA on a cargo ship.

T-54 - was adopted in 1946. It was produced in various modifications until the mid-60s and became the most massive tank in history. Was in service with many armies of the world. It is still used in some countries. Its invaluable advantages are simplicity and reliability in operation.

Recall that earlier on the set of the movie `` World War Z '' , which took place mainly in Hungary, an entire arsenal was seized. The police found about a hundred fully functional automatic rifles. An investigation is underway to identify suppliers of military weapons.

The Topic of Article: Brad Pitt purchased a Soviet T-54 tank.
Author: Jake Pinkman
