Ruth Wilson denounces exploitation of female orgasm in movies (Topic)

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Ruth Wilson denounces exploitation of female orgasm in movies


2015 Golden Globe Award winner for Best Actress in a Drama Series, Ruth Wilson (Romance), believes actresses are being treated unfairly when movieing sex scenes by focusing on "their faces during orgasm." The words of the actress are quoted by The Edit.

"Women must provide arousal, since you cannot show penises on the screen, but you can. Women are supposed to bare their breasts - by all means - and I refuse it. This completely unnecessary and dishonest, "the actress emphasized.

During the movieing of the series" Roman "Wilson and her partner and friend Dominic West often discussed the issue of showing sex on the screen. "There must be a story in erotic scenes, as in any other scene. So, whenever the moment of movieing a sex scene came, Dominik and I wondered: "Do we really need this? What do we want to say with this scene?".

Wilson critically declares that men it is worth making "to depict an orgasm on the face" as often as women. “I insist: why should I only portray an orgasm? There should be a male orgasm on the screen. Why orgasm occurs only in women? Let's analyze male satisfaction,” the actress suggests. – It is very difficult to make an erotic scene look natural. So much rubbish is formed. "

Recall that the series" Roman "won in the category" Best Drama Series "in the award"

The Topic of Article: Ruth Wilson denounces exploitation of female orgasm in movies.
Author: Jake Pinkman
