Michael Bay Films a Time Travel Novel (Topic)

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Michael Bay Films a Time Travel Novel


Michael Bay is movieing Wesley Chu's fantasy novel Time Salvager for Paramount Pictures, which will be released in July 2015. This is reported by The Wrap.

The work takes place in the distant future, when the Earth became uninhabitable and humanity colonized the nearest star systems. The civilization is in dire need of resources that were once on their home planet, and the only way to get them is to send specially trained stalkers to the Earth's past who must search for resources without altering the space-time continuum.

One of these time travelers is the convicted criminal James Griffin Mars. Once, during his next mission, he meets a woman scientist named Alice Kim on Earth. She must die in an explosion on an oil platform, but the main character saves her, thus violating all instructions. Back in the future, James and Kim are hunted.

The timing of movieing and a possible rental schedule have not yet been specified. Most likely, the director will start working on the project after the release of the political drama "13:00". It is quite possible that Bay will also shoot the next episode of "Transformers", but this information has not yet been officially confirmed.

The Topic of Article: Michael Bay Films a Time Travel Novel.
Author: Jake Pinkman
