John Wick III Star Demands Abolition of Gender Awards (Topic)

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John Wick III Star Demands Abolition of Gender Awards


John Wick 3 and Billions TV series star Asia Dillon has asked the Screen Actors Guild of America to withdraw from the awards in the female and male categories. The actress's message is quoted by Variety.

"In a letter dated June 1, 2020, you indicated that you have chosen me to sit on the selection committee for the 27th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards. The categories in which you asked me to make my choice , are: "female lead role", "female supporting role", "male lead role", "male supporting role", "cast in the movie" and "stunt ensemble." Your letter came to me just today, therefore I apologize for the late answer, which will focus on the acting categories you asked me to judge. At the end of 2016, we publicly announced that I am not a man or a woman, not a female or a masculine. I use the pronouns "they", "them", "them". If you search my name on Google, you will find that I am calling for an end to the segregation of acting categories. Dividing people on the basis of their sex and / or gender identity is not only irrelevant when it comes to how one should evaluate acting, but is also a form of discrimination, "the document says.

“So, going back to your invitation, I will agree to be on the selection committee on the condition that you immediately take steps to consolidate your acting awards into gender neutral categories.

The Topic of Article: John Wick III Star Demands Abolition of Gender Awards.
Author: Jake Pinkman
