Movie release Christopher Nolan's argument postponed (Topic)

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Movie release Christopher Nolan's argument postponed


Warner Bros. Film Studio abandoned its plans to release the science fiction movie Argument, which was directed by Christopher Nolan in mid-July 2020. According to The Holyywood Reporter, the release of the movie has been postponed to a later date - July 31.

The reason for the revision of the rental schedule has not been disclosed, but, most likely, the studio management objectively assessed the state of the rollout by the previously announced date and realized that it is not necessary to count on the payback of the painting. Note that the production budget of "Dovod" is estimated at $ 200 million and more.

Instead of a new movie of "Nolan", another of his famous movie projects, "Inception", which celebrates its tenth anniversary this year, will be released. .

Under the new rules, previously announced by California authorities, cinemas are allowed to reopen on condition that "social distancing" is respected and the occupancy rate does not exceed 25 percent. The owners of cinemas will incur additional costs for regular sanitation and the introduction of contactless systems for serving spectators.

The Topic of Article: Movie release Christopher Nolan's argument postponed.
Author: Jake Pinkman
