Artificial intelligence was able to determine the character by the eyes (Topic)

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Artificial intelligence was able to determine the character by the eyes


A recent study using a neural network has helped to establish certain character traits of a person, focusing on his eyes. Moreover, the accuracy of the assessment depended on a certain personal characteristic. As a result, artificial intelligence was able to recognize character extroversion in 48.6% of cases, and a predisposition to persuasion - in 45.9%. The percentage of revealing such a property as neuroticism was 40.3%. Such qualities as curiosity and general openness, the neural network learned a little worse.

How the experiment was conducted

The fact that eye movements and personality traits have a certain relationship has been known for a long time. Although until now, information about this has been collected only in artificial laboratory studies. The experiment using a neural network was carried out “in the field”. At the same time, the processing of the collected information was done manually, and AI was used in this work for the first time.

To form the basis for the analysis, 50 students from the Australian Flinders University were selected. Initially, personal characteristics were determined using profile tests. The participants were then asked to choose whatever they liked while walking around the campus. At the same time, eye movements were recorded using mobile devices and special devices from SensoMotoric Instruments.

After that, all the collected information was sent to the neural network for processing. Despite the fact that the average accuracy rates did not exceed 50%, the authors of the study are of the opinion that this is a good result. Scientists believe that with an increase in the amount of data for training AI, the final result will be better. The experiment also made it possible to make an additional contribution to the collection of knowledge about the relationship between personality traits and eyes. For example, it turned out that the size of the pupils is directly related to such a property as neuroticism.

Such studies are interesting not only in the academic world, but also in the IT sphere. Attempts are already underway to integrate an eye movement recognition system into a software interface. For example, the FacePause plugin in Google Chrome pauses YouTube videos when the user turns away from the PC.

Artificial intelligence is also used in many areas of our life, for example, in Western countries they want to employ an AI-based doctor.

The Topic of Article: Artificial intelligence was able to determine the character by the eyes.
Author: Jake Pinkman
