Saturday Night Movie What to See: Villains (2019) (Topic)

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Saturday Night Movie What to See: Villains (2019)


Today, the comedy thriller from young American directors Den Burke and Robert Olsen "Villains" from 2019 hit our heading of what to watch from the films on Saturday night. They already have one joint work on their account - the thriller "Don't Kill Him" with Dolph Lundgren in the title role, which entered the public with a creak in 2016.

During the filming of the feature film "Villains", Den and Robert took into account the shortcomings of the past masterpiece and this time they produced a completely worthwhile light comedy horror movie.

What is the movie "Villains" about

Mickey and Julie are ordinary juvenile morons. And although in appearance it is quite possible to give them twenty years (if not more), their brains are like those of stupid youngsters. Having robbed a gas station (it is evident that this was their first robbery in their life), they inherited in an amateurish way, slowed down and now have to flee from the police advancing on their tail.


And all would be fine, but the car's tire burst. Two utyrks see a mailbox and a lapel from the main road on the side of the road and decide on foot to explore the estate that is nearby. It is hoped that there will be a car that can be "requisitioned" and on which it will be possible to keep feet from the police further.

And so it turned out. There is an SUV in the garage of a country mansion, all that remains is to get inside, open the garage door, drive, find the keys - and that's all.

But morons are morons to behave like a moron. Having penetrated into the dwelling, they begin to climb on it, cook themselves to eat, etc., and when they go down to the basement, they find in it a dirty little girl of about nine, fastened with a chain to a post.


Just at this moment, the noises of their "vital activity" attract the attention of the owners, after which the thieves themselves find themselves strapped to the next basement post.

How events will develop in the future - see for yourself.

Who are the villains here?

From the child contained on the chain, one can understand that the owners themselves are not too in themselves. Plus, it is very possible that the girl is actually kidnapped. Meanwhile, with a living child in the basement, they are babysitting a toy baby, whose head is made of porcelain.


The owner has a pistol in his hands, so the fate of the unlucky robbers does not seem to be in a rosy light.

In the light of what is described here, it is impossible to understand which of them is more villains - those that are the owners, or those that are robbers. Probably, both those, and those, but we will root, of course, for Mickey and Julie. They are at least not maniacs.

Pros and cons of comedy horror

The film, even though it only features 7 actors, looks great. You don't need more for this story. The main thing is that these actors will get up on the screen. And if you consider that all the characters here are not far from the mind, starting with a "hit" mother with a porcelain doll and her hubby, indulging her in everything, and ending with a girl who has gone wild from a long sitting in the basement, they all behave not in a standard way. Watching the trailer.

This, of course, enrages in places, but what can you get from morons? The inconsistency of some of the actions of the main characters and their indecision is, perhaps, the only tangible disadvantage of the film. The rest looks pretty good for a budget thriller.

The ending also did not disappoint, and for that the creators are very grateful.


Everyone who is interested in our offer, we suggest to follow the link below to the site of free viewing of the film.

Watch Villains 2019 Movie Online

For the rest, we advise you to go to the page with our other tips on what to watch from films. There, anyone can choose a painting to their liking. And we say goodbye to you until next Saturday. Wish you all the best and more good films and TV series!

The Topic of Article: Saturday Night Movie What to See: Villains (2019).
Author: Jake Pinkman
