Slow news: PokemonGo is out in USA (Topic)

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Slow news: PokemonGo is out in USA


Since September 11th, users from USA have opened access to "Pokemon Go", which gained enormous popularity in 2016. It literally captured the minds of Europeans, who were the first to appreciate all the delights of the development.

Now the USAs can also join the game. However, the management of the developer company Niantic did not provide official information on the availability of the online game.

Recall that the game was released back in 2016 and immediately gained wild popularity around the world. Only with the release all over the world, the developers were in no hurry. And the way to USA took long 2 years.

How was it played before?

If the application is not in the official market, this does not mean that it cannot be downloaded elsewhere. For example, Pokemon could be easily downloaded in Apkmirror.

Is the game really that good?

Yes, really. You can say she popularized the genre of games with augmented reality and the ability to look for something in her city.

Experts say it's dangerous.


These are not experts, but not educated people with an extremely low level of intellectual development who see enemies even in their backyard. This is the kind of game you can hear from them:

In addition, many experts still believe that the true purpose of the game is not the desire of the creators to influence the level of attention of users or surprise the world with a new product, but espionage. Indeed, during the game, users have to catch Pokemon in areas closed to outsiders, as well as photograph the specified area.

How can you take such people seriously? We think you yourself can answer this question. Successful fishing coaches!

The Topic of Article: Slow news: PokemonGo is out in USA.
Author: Jake Pinkman
