US Boxing Office: Kong Gets Logan Down (Topic)

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US Boxing Office: Kong Gets Logan Down

Image For a short time, “ Logan ” managed to stay at the top 5 of the North American box office, which, however, was quite predictable, given that last weekend the clawed mutant had a strong rival. " Kong: Skull Island " easily took the lead at the box office, but Wolverine , in turn, did not pass up.

A blockbuster about a giant gorilla grossed $ 61 million . Few expected such swiftness from the film Jordan Woth-Roberts - before the premiere it was expected to start from the mark of $ 45-50 million . Considering that the shooting of Skull Islands alone took $ 185 million , the film needs to earn about $ 500 million to recoup the cost of its creation.

However, the studio Warner Bros. is already rubbing its hands - together with Legendary , the major is making ambitious plans for the universe, which began in 2014 with Godzilla. Now the sequel to the blockbuster is being prepared for filming, and the day will come when the famous monsters will meet in one film. If we compare the starting performance of Skull Islands with the achievements of the same Godzilla , then the comparison will be in favor of the latter. At one time, the painting by Gareth Edwards earned $ 93.1 million in its first week. However, Kong has an advantage in the international market, where he immediately managed to collect $ 81.6 million . At the same time, the creation of Woth-Roberts has not even debuted in China yet.


Early audiences gave Skull Island an average B + rating, and critics were divided over the film. Some of the return of Kong to the big screens was to their liking - the director managed to combine action, humor and other necessary components of a blockbuster in one picture. The rest considered the tape too superficial, saying that the scale of what is happening here is put in the first place, and not the semantic content.

However, if this weekend the primate king managed to defeat his closest rivals, then he should keep his ears open: distributors predict "Beauty and the Beast" start from the mark of $ 120 million , which means that the film is about Kong may lose a large part of its audience.


As for "Logan" , which took the second place at the end of the weekend, then its creators shouldn't complain about poor results. In the second week, the farewell tour of The Wolverines forced viewers to fork out another $ 37.9 million , and now the mutant's earnings at home are $ 152.7 million . It took Logan just five days to break the $ 100 million mark, and now James Mangold is # 2 on the Wolverine solo movie list , if we evaluate the achievements in the US cinemas, and the first - according to the results of the world distribution (outside of the native country, the film grossed $ 285.6 million ).


The horror movie " Away " is also worthy. Even after three weeks in theaters, Jordana Peel's tape continues to generate profits for Blumhouse . Having chosen a strategy for creating low-budget horror games, in which the emphasis is on the plot component, the studio continues to reap the fruits of its labors. So, Get Out lost only a fourth of its audience in a week, which resulted in an additional $ 21.1 million . All in all, the film managed to earn $ 111.1 million - a fantastic result with a modest budget of $ 4.5 million .


The religious drama " Hut " has dropped to fourth place, adding $ 10.1 million to its asset and currently having $ 32.3 million . Despite the abundance of negative reviews from reviewers who called the film boring and drawn-out, Stuart Hazeldine's picture lost only 38% of the original gross, but this is more likely due to the lack of competitors in the genre.


Closes the top 5 animation tape " The Lego Movie: Batman " - the toy savior of Gotham received an additional $ 7.8 million at his disposal. He now has $ 159 million at home and $ 116.5 million outside the US. Of course, the spin-off falls short of the results of the original Lego. Film ”, but the leadership of WB is probably satisfied with this state of affairs.

The Topic of Article: US Boxing Office: Kong Gets Logan Down.
Author: Jake Pinkman
