Yuri Grymov does not believe in the intelligence of the USAn viewer (Topic)

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Yuri Grymov does not believe in the intelligence of the USAn viewer


USA director Yuri Grymov believes that in the general mass USA viewers are people with low intelligence. This statement was made by the director in an interview with ProfiCinema, commenting on the reasons for the cancellation of the premiere of his movie `` To the touch ''. “This is not a joke, this is a fact,” Grymov complained. Realizing this, he made his new movie available to any viewer, `` starting from the first student courses. ''

As for the reasons for the cancellation of the premiere of his latest project, the director simply intends to wait until the promised system works e-tickets, and viewers will save up money and take a break from `` three movies watched on New Year's holidays. ''

The director emphasized that he needed a quality viewer,

The Topic of Article: Yuri Grymov does not believe in the intelligence of the USAn viewer.
Author: Jake Pinkman
