Judge Dredd's creator admired the new movie adaptation (Topic)

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Judge Dredd's creator admired the new movie adaptation


New version of Judge Dredd is the most adequate adaptation of the popular graphic novel. This was announced on his Facebook page by the creator of this character, John Wagner, who has already managed to see the picture.

“I was in London and was able to watch the completed version of the movie. What can I say. The musical accompaniment is wonderful. The special effects are amazing. The movieing is amazing. I had never watched modern stereo movies before, and this one made a big impression on me. I found myself constantly wanting to touch objects floating by me. Karl is a great Dredd. In a word, this is exactly the `` Judge Dredd '', which he originally conceived, '' writes Wagner.

Recall that the movie starred Lena Hedy, Karl Urban, Olivia Thirlby, Jason Cope, Langley Kirkwood and other actors. Directed by Pete Travis.

The Topic of Article: Judge Dredd's creator admired the new movie adaptation.
Author: Jake Pinkman
