Best Fantasy & Sci-Fi 2017. Part two (Topic)

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Best Fantasy & Sci-Fi 2017. Part two


Continuing our top of the best fantasy and sci-fi movies.

Our top is entering the home stretch and we are ready to present the best films of 2017. We have already talked about some of the films before, and if you missed the first part of our top , then we highly recommend starting with it

9 & 10. Get Out and Marjorie Prime

Both films have stories about companions with artificial intelligence. But this is the only thing that unites them. Otherwise, they are completely opposite to each other. Michael Almereida's film "Marjorie Prime" is a psychological portrait, a study of the image of the main character.

Lois Smith's game deservedly attracts attention with an incredibly truthful depiction of an elderly woman who again meets her ex-husband (John Hamm), but in 3D form. He appears before her in the form of his still young version. The film stars Geena Davis and Tim Robbins. An intelligent and at the same time touching film, touching upon the themes of self-identification, memory and love.

Away manages to not show his true face until the very end, and without examining to the end his presence in this top can cause confusion.

At the climax of the film, the hero of Daniel Kaluuya begins to feel that something is wrong in the house of his bride, where he came to meet her parents. It turns out that not everything is so simple, and he was chosen to undergo a brain transplant operation, which in its effect will be something similar to what we remember from the movie "Being John Malkovich".

8. Thelma

Sometimes it happens that one critic will express such an accurate opinion, which coincides with your own and you want to quote it. This time David Ehrlich writes that "Thelma" is supposedly an adaptation of "Telekinesis" directed by Ingmar Bergman. family of strict views goes to college.

There she is increasingly moving away from her principles: she begins to drink, falls in love with a classmate, and at the same time, she has long-forgotten abilities for telekinesis. But they endanger others.

What this film is about is for you to judge, but it is, of course, very peculiar. "Thelma" is not moral discourse, but something more, and, of course, it is one of the best mystical thrillers of the year.

7. Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Quite unintentionally, but for the third year in our top "Star Wars" takes seventh place. This time, competition in the form of a large number of great films prevented Star Wars from climbing higher in our rankings.

Let's be frank, in our editorial office, absolutely no one liked this episode, and our editor lost faith in the franchise and even smashed the Chubaki statuette in anger. But we couldn't get around this film in our top.

You can only get pleasure from the film by abstracting it from Star Wars and considering it exclusively as a separate film. This concludes about the last Jedi, so as not to be sad.

6. Logan

After 17 years, Hugh Jackman has finally appeared in his ninth X-Men film and is believed to be in his last role as Logan. What a touch of charm and a hint of heart of gold that Jackman has been portraying throughout this time.

This is perhaps the best performance since Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight. Patrick Stewart is not bad either, presenting an extraordinary performance as Professor X.

There is also a newcomer in the film - Daphne Keane. We are not particularly inclined to praise young talents, but her work is so different from anything we have already seen, at least in films of this genre, that it is impossible to resist rave reviews.

There are many other reasons to admire "Logan", but we need to move up our top list because we are very close to the top five films.

4 & 5. Planet of the Apes: War and Okja

How dare a corrupted race of humans from the not so distant future place a genetically modified animal in a concentration camp just because the animals supposedly have low intelligence and are unable to feel?

Okja is a story about a little girl and her friend, a giant genetically modified pig. In general, just the opposite of what we saw in "Alien" by Spielberg, where the protagonist is a boy meeting an alien. It is no coincidence that we remembered this 35-year-old film.

However, not only because in both of them the child saves his strange friend, but rather because Okja, the pig, is the most emotionally charged character, not the person we meet in the history of cinema since that very Spielberg's film. Okja is not devoid of humor, not to mention the brilliant performance of the roles of Tilda Swinton and Jake Gyllenhaal.

War of the Planet of the Apes is the third and best of the Planet of the Apes films. He makes us finally believe that we see real animals on the screen. All this thanks to the work of Andy Serkis and his team. Woody Harrelson plays the spoiled colonel, but as incredibly adorable as Woody is in his role, human beings in this kind of films are not as eye-catching as animals.

With the epic soundtrack by Michael Giacchino and the leisurely film storytelling directed by Mat Reeves, the sequel is similar to a classic western with military events, but with the difference that the characters are monkeys, created with a wave of the magic wand of cinematography

2 & 3. Ghost Story and Personal Shopper

Ghost themes reappear in these two small, idea-driven films, one of which stars Kristen Stewart as an American celebrity shopper in Paris. Also at this time she expects the spirit of her recently deceased twin brother to come into contact with her.

In another film, Casey Affleck appears as a deceased man, and as befits a ghost, his suit is a large sheet with slits for the eyes. Although he died, his spirit continues to reside in the house where he lived with his girlfriend (Rooney Mara), and now he is only forced to watch what is happening in the house.

Both films, one might say, complement each other, because in one of them the narrative is more focused on the living, and in the other on the dead, but both main characters are trying to make contact with those whom they loved, but who are now on the other side of them.

They contain fragments of horror, but none are considered horror films. Also both are very emotional, but without dramatic notes. They are very cleverly made, but do not provoke further reflection. These films seem to invite the viewer to join the heroes when they are in a state of expectation, uncertainty and emptiness. Sometimes plates or glasses levitate in the air and then break on the floor.

In "Personal Shopper" there is a poltergeist who is sick, and in "Ghost Story" Will Oldham acts as a fortuneteller. Both films are chilling, but they do it in a sophisticated way so that the film will remain in the viewer's memory for a long time.

1. Blade Runner 2049

And here is our winner. We thought for a long time which film can be called the best? And they unanimously decided it was Blade Runner. Yes, his fees were very modest and the critics did not like him, but like the first part of Blade Runner, he told without embellishment the very story that can rightfully be called a cult fantasy. And over time, as it was before, it will become a cult.

Denis Villeneuve's sequel to the 1982 sci-fi classic "Blade Runner" is also character-driven, but in addition, this film will bring a lot of joy to connoisseurs of the aesthetic beauty of cinema.

All the same long, deep and truly multifaceted. This is a great example of what smart fiction should be, without superheroes and Jedi.

We hope you enjoyed our top. We will try to continue to delight you with interesting movie tops.

The Topic of Article: Best Fantasy & Sci-Fi 2017. Part two.
Author: Jake Pinkman
