In 2014, the renowned decorator and special effects master Robert Stromberg managed to make his debut in directing with exceptional success. His fantasy film "Maleficent" not only fell in love with many authoritative film critics, but also managed to earn more than $ 758 million worldwide at the box office. Over the past three years, Stromberg managed to work on TV and try his hand at creating projects in virtual reality. As the edition of Variety managed to find out, the winner of two " Oscars " has finally decided to return to the world of big cinema. The second feature film by Robert will be the noir thriller " Carnival ". The main character of the tape will be a knife thrower from a traveling circus, who will have to use his deadly skills to take revenge on his sister's killer. His friends-circus performers with unique talents will help the protagonist to carry out the vendetta plan ... The authorship of the thriller plot belongs to the Argentinean Matias Caruso, who previously worked in short films. At the end of 2015, the script " Carnival " was included in the famous Blacklist of the best unrealized ideas in Hollywood, shortly after which Caruso managed to sell it to the studio Anonymous Content . Robert Stromberg is expected to begin filming " Carnival " this spring. The Topic of Article: It's bad to joke with circus performers. |