Sony Pictures has released a dubbed trailer for the animated comedy Emoji. Film » , which tells about the adventures of emoticons in the town of Emoziwill. The project was directed by Anthony Leondis, and Sir Patrick Stewart took part in the voice acting - his voice speaks the Turd emoticon. As we all know, inside each smartphone there is a colorful town of Emoziville, where emoticons live, each of which is responsible for a specific emotion. But one day, one of the inhabitants of the town gave the owner of the smartphone something unexpected, and the existence of the entire friendly community was threatened. Jin and his friends will have to go on an app journey to save their world. Premiere Emoji. Film " in USA is scheduled for August 17 , but for now you can take a short excursion to Emoziville and meet the heroes of our smartphones who have come to life ... Emoji. Movie » Dubbed trailer The Topic of Article: From the life of smilies. Trailer ”Emoji. Film ”. |