Work on the sequel to the Finnish-German sci-fi film Iron Skies is in full swing, and the filmmakers responsible for its production already have news of the third installment of the comedy franchise. The Hollywood Reporter announces that the Chinese Shandong Jiabo Culture Development Co will participate in the production of the next film chapter, and the triquel will be filmed in the Middle Kingdom. The tape, dubbed Iron Sky: The Ark , is already in preproduction, and its budget will significantly exceed the budgets of the first two films. The script for the upcoming production was written by Finn Tero Kaukomaa and Chinese Max Wang. The first was the producer of the original tape and its sequel, and the second produced such films as "Mongol" and "Confucius". The film will be directed by the permanent director of the franchise, Timo Vuorensola. Recall that according to the script of the original film, the Nazis who lost the Second World War flew to the moon and built a combat flotilla there with the goal of one day returning to Earth and enslaving the planet. The plot of the sequel was based on the fantasy world from the novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton " The Coming Race ". The work describes a powerful underground civilization, whose representatives once needed to rise to the surface. The details of the triquel's history have not been disclosed yet. It is known that work on the third part of " Iron Sky " should begin as early as next year, and the release of the tape is scheduled for 2018. The Topic of Article: Iron Sky Trikvel will go to China. |