Film company Warner Bros. has unveiled a trailer for the movie "The Sword of King Arthur" , directed by the British Guy Ritchie ("Lock, Stock, Two Barrels"). The title role in the action adventure is played by Sons of Anarchy star Charlie Hunnam. In the story, young Arthur (Hunnam) spends his life with friends, not interested in his origin and not pursuing any special goals. And so exactly until the moment when fate brings him with the magic sword Excalibur. Suddenly, the medieval sloven turns everything upside down: first love, principles, and even a worthy dream appear - to overthrow the tyrant Vortigem (Jude Law), who killed the parents of Arthur and seized the throne. Movie fans who are familiar with the work of Richie will probably recognize the master's hand from the very first shots: dynamic shooting, many brutal male characters, aesthetic scenes of violence and luscious dialogues. And given that this British filmmaker has made a name for himself in the genre of crime comedies, it would be very interesting to look at his typical heroes, set in the scenery of the Middle Ages. And the trailer itself turned out to be extremely intriguing and spectacular ... King Arthur's Sword Dubbed Trailer The film will premiere in USA on 23 March 2017 . The Topic of Article: ”The Sword of King Arthur”: Son of anarchy in the Middle Ages. Trailer. |