The drama by Jonas Carpignano A Ciambra, which is executive produced by Martin Scorsese himself, has become an Oscar nominee from Italy, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The tape was first shown at the Cannes Film Festival, and later won the Europa Cinemas Label. The plot revolves around a fourteen-year-old boy from a gypsy community named Pio Amato, desperate to survive on the streets of Calabria. A teenager who follows his older brother everywhere, adopting both good and bad habits from him, suddenly remains completely alone. He has to rise to his feet and show the world what he is worth. The director, born in New York and living in southern Italy, is looking for unprofessional actors with incredible destinies for his films. Because of this approach to directing, Jonas Carpignano has already been dubbed a gifted representative of Italian "neo-neo-realism". The works of Italian directors have repeatedly won acclaim among critics of the American Film Academy: in the category "Best Foreign Language Film", the country received a total of 14 awards, including three honorary prizes. In 2014, the coveted statuette went to the "Great Beauty" by Paolo Sorrentino, and two years later, Gianfranco Rosi's film "Sea on Fire" received the nomination "Best Documentary". The Topic of Article: Italians have chosen their Oscar nominee. |