The iconic Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki returns to the world of big cinema! In September 2013, the Oscar-winning director and screenwriter stunned fans of his work with the shocking news of his retirement. Over the past three years, Hayao managed to miss his favorite job so much that he decided to return from retirement. According to the portal Anime News Network , the 75-year-old animation master hinted at his new project on the air of one of the Japanese TV shows. In a conversation with its hosts, Miyazaki admitted that for some time he worked on a short film " Boro Caterpillar " for the museum of his famous animation company Studio Ghibli . Hayao liked this story so much that he thought about creating a full-fledged cartoon based on it. Details of the plot of the new painting Miyazaki are still kept secret. It is only known that she will tell about the adventures of a tiny hairy caterpillar. For the first time in his career, he used computer graphics to create a short film Hayao . It is possible that when working on a full-length version of " Boro Caterpillars ", he will also prefer to abandon the proprietary hand-drawn animation. Miyazaki began his distinguished career in the world of animation back in 1961. In 2003, his Spirited Away won an Oscar for Best Animated Film, but Hayao himself was unable to attend the 75th prestigious Film Awards. Eleven years later, American academics were still able to hand the golden statuette into the hands of the legend of the animation world: in 2014, Miyazaki won an honorary Oscar for his contribution to the film industry. Insiders suggest that Miyazaki will present his new cartoon to the public in 2019. The Topic of Article: Return of the Prodigal Miyazaki. |