After the highly anticipated adaptation of the acclaimed book saga "The Dark Tower" received a humiliating 18% rating on the Rotten Tomatoes site, many fans of Stephen King's work turned their attention to the upcoming film adaptation of the novel “ It ". The legendary work of the King of Horrors has already formed the basis of the plot of the ABC miniseries of the same name. One of the main adornments of the 1990 television project was the magnificent play of Tim Curry, who managed to brilliantly cope with the role of the creepy clown Pennywise . In the new film adaptation of " It ", Bill Skarsgard will appear as the nemesis of the young members of the Losers Club . The LostFilm.INFO gallery has received a snapshot from the upcoming horror movie, when looking at it it becomes obvious that Pennywise performed by a young Swedish actor is quite capable of giving several sleepless nights to impressionable film fans. One of the most famous monsters King in our today's selection of frames is accompanied by the popular comic book hero X-Men . The first official shots of Josh Brolin as the mutant Cable make it clear that the actor bragged about his achievements in the gym for a reason on social networks. Today, our readers will also be able to get acquainted with the main character of the upcoming solo album of the transformer Bumblebee , get ready for a gladiatorial duel between Thor and Hulk , take a look at the star team of superheroes DC and assess the similarity of Steve Buscemi with Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. " It " September 7, 2017 " Death of Stalin " 2017 " Dark River " 2017 " If you could see his heart " 12 October 2017 " Thor: Ragnarok " November 2, 2017 " Justice League " November 16, 2017 " Euphoria " 2017 " House of Tomorrow " 2017 " Shape of water " January 18, 2018 " Deadpool 2 " May 31, 2018 Bumblebee December 21, 2018 The Topic of Article: Stills: Cable's birth and Stalin's death. |