After the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced last year's Oscar nominees, it suddenly turns out that there are unusually few dark-skinned filmmakers among them. For example, the edition of The Hollywood Reporter drew the attention of readers to the fact that for the first time since 1998 all acting nominations went to immigrants from Europe. This year the situation with the nominations was repeated, and the public resonance caused by it turned out to be even wider. Many well-known representatives of the industry expressed their disagreement with the current state of affairs, including Spike Lee, Jada and Will Smith ... Soon the president of the Film Academy Sherrill Boone Isaacs announced that the organization she leads would try to change the situation. The promised was not long in coming. Recently, the organizers of the ceremony told the cinema world about 683 potential participants in the next voting. A record high number of invitations was expected to be received by African and Latin Americans, as well as representatives of other ethnic groups: 41% of the total number of invitees. Almost half ( 46% ) of the list were women. So, Lilly and Lana Wachowski, among others, can get into the director's department of the Academy , the production department - Ice Cube, the acting department - Tom Hiddleston and veterans of the series "Lost" ( Lost ): Michelle Rodriguez, Daniel Dae Kim, Harold Perrino, composer - Will I. Em, Sia and Mary J. Blige ... Interestingly, the " Class 2016 " - this is how the Academy called its list - now includes filmmakers from USA and Ukraine. Isaacs and the company will be glad to see in their ranks producer Alexander Rodnyansky (9th Company, Leviathan) and documentary filmmaker Viktor Kosakovsky (Long Live the Antipodes! ", The Belovs). If all the invitees agree to become film academics, the number of women in the jury of many thousands will grow by 2% , and the number of minority representatives - by 3% . The Topic of Article: The Oscar heads for racial diversity. |