Oscar Nominees and Jarmusch: Watch This Week (Topic)

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Oscar Nominees and Jarmusch: Watch This Week

Image The first months of each new year are a special time for domestic rental. Against the background of the traditional January-February frosts, the best films of last year are reaching USA screens, for which, for one reason or another, there was no place in the rental schedule before. But the most interesting thing next week is the presence of several nominees for the upcoming " Oscar " award in the list of new products. Three of these films are on the way this weekend.

Moonlight Barry Jenkins is the heavy artillery of the weekend. The drama has eight nominations for the main film award on the planet, including the most important “ Best Film ” and “ Best Director ”. Cuddled by the American liberal press, " Moonlight " seems to be the best answer to last year'sdiversity scandal. Just think - a tough, sensual drama about growing up of a young black guy Chiron in a poor area of Miami. At the same time, the main character grows up in a completely different Miami, where instead of the gloss of luxury hotels there are endless shootings, and the only social elevator is the path of the drug dealer, and as if this turned out to be not enough for the creators of the tape, according to the plot of Chiron over time and realizes his homosexuality.
ImageIn general, everything can be attributed to politics, but do not forget that cinema is almost always politics, as we know from the words of an eternally alive and such a young USA politician. However, it is in this situation that this movie should be assessed as a story about growing up, social injustice and the search for one's own “I”. So in " Moonlight " it will be possible to discern many interesting details, and some irregularities in the script will be compensated for by powerful acting (critics especially note Mahershala Ali), a stunningly diverse soundtrack and excellent direction.

The " Lion " debutant in the big movie Garth Davis can be no less difficult to watch. As much as “ Leo ” and “ Moonlight ” are similar, they are so different. If in the case of " Moonlight " we are talking about a search in the figurative sense, then " Leo " is dedicated to the search for the present. In the center of the plot is an Indian student Sarau (Dev Patel), who grew up in care and love in a foster family from Australia. In early childhood, Sarah got lost in search of an occasional job. On one of the Indian trains, whose photos can often be found on the Internet, he left for Calcutta and ended up a thousand miles from his home and family. But luck smiled at him - he found a new family, really, to go in search of the old one after more than twenty years. And technologies will help him in this - the grown-up Sara will look for his home with the help of Google Earth .

ImageBy the way, the film is based on the real story of the real Sara Munshi Hana , which has been moved to the screen almost unchanged. The similarity of themes, moods, visualization of the problems of immigrants from third world countries or social lower classes make the two pictures related. But the result is completely different. The whole difficulty of " Leo " is that it is difficult to endure two whole hours of active tear-squeezing under a minor piano. Moreover, the excessive stereotyped and melodramatic scenes for some will be the reason why Harvey Weinteinsh can be accused of opportunism, and the American Film Academy - of indulging the demands of the audience. Six Oscar nominations, including Best Soundtrack ”,“ Best Adapted Screenplay ”and two cast for Nicole Kidman and Deva Patel look at least strange. And all the more wild is the claim for " Best Film ". But if you want to forget and shed a tear, just like in the culmination of the program " Wait for me ", with "Leo" it will be easy.
"Leo" it will be easy.
"Leo" it will be easy.

ImageThe next premiere is able to moisten the viewer's eyes not with production techniques, but with the disarming purity of the present art. The cartoon-metaphor " Red Turtle " is definitely the most interesting premiere of the coming weekend. As for the previous director, for the Dutchman Michael Dadoc de Wit " Red Turtle " is a full-length debut. The cartoonist already has a nomination and an award in the category " Best Animated Short Film " in the piggy bank, and now he has every chance of getting the coveted statuette in a new category - if the jury prefers the avant-garde format of a parable without words to the more modern "Zootopia "And" Moane ". I would like, of course, so that the main competitors in this category are precisely " Red Turtle " and "Kubo. The Legend of the Samurai "... From the trailer it becomes immediately clear what awaits us: the whole tragedy is depicted here in a deliberately minimalistic way. A man stranded on a desert island tries to leave it. It is impossible to say whether he is looking for a way home, whether something awaits him outside this island. He builds a raft, goes on a journey, but his ship is destroyed by a huge red turtle. And this is repeated several times, until an amazing fantastic change occurs with the turtle. There is not a single superfluous contour in the style of the cartoon - everything works for an amazing story, dedicated, it seems, to everything that is in the world at the same time. Visually, this tape is similar to the previous work of de Wit , but it also clearly shows the influence of the famous school of animation - along with the director on Turtle worked Toshio Suzuki, president of the studio Ghibli , founded by Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata.

Dubbed trailer

Finally, the long-awaited new film by Jim Jarmusch " Paterson " will be released (the film was nominated for the " Palme d'Or " in Cannes). Paterson is both the name of the protagonist and the name of the real American town where the movie takes place, and the hero of Adam Driver works as a driver. The new tape Jarmusch is alien to all sorts of sophisticated flirting with the viewer. " Paterson " is extremely simple, and its annotation can even cause boredom: the main character drives a bus and sometimes neatly writes down verse lines in his notebook. He has a wife he wakes up with every morning, a dog he walks, bus passengers he drives, and a bar where he drinks beer. He has a five-day work week and two days off. His life is quiet, measured and calm - such a perfect Groundhog Day. Does it have a tragedy, scrapping, emergency? Not. For seven days, while we follow the life of Paterson , literally nothing happens to him, but nevertheless, every minute of the protagonist's life is filled with some sense, perceptible only by feelings. Probably, happiness lies in this pleasant routine, from the director's point of view. A calm, pacified course of life, without craving for fame and fortune seems like Jarmusch's version of theAmerican Dream- a correct and humanistic attitude.
while we follow the life of Paterson , literally nothing happens to him, but nevertheless, every minute of the protagonist's life is filled with some sense, only perceptible to feelings. Probably, happiness lies in this pleasant routine, from the director's point of view. A calm, serene course of life, without craving for fame and fortune seems to be Jarmusch's version of theAmerican Dream- a correct and humanistic attitude.
while we follow the life of Paterson , literally nothing happens to him, but nevertheless, every minute of the protagonist's life is filled with some sense, only perceptible to feelings. Probably, happiness lies in this pleasant routine, from the director's point of view. A calm, pacified course of life, without craving for fame and fortune seems like Jarmusch's version of theAmerican Dream- a correct and humanistic attitude.

Of course, these are not all new films that can be enjoyed at the cinema next week. For some of the viewers, the main premiere will be " The Great Wall ", erected not by the new American president, but by the ancient Chinese for protection from otherworldly forces. The entertainment blockbuster showcases Matt Damon and Pedro Pascal in the lead roles and film status with a record $ 150 million for Chinese-American production.

The Topic of Article: Oscar Nominees and Jarmusch: Watch This Week.
Author: Jake Pinkman
