James Cameron interrupted work on the scripts for the two Avatar sequels to visit Pandora. The director left such a note on his blog on Twitter on March 26, 2011. “I apologize for the long absence from the web. Worked tirelessly on the plot of Avatar 2 and Avatar 3, but had to leave the imaginary Pandora to go to the real one, ”writes Cameron. What was meant by“ real Pandora ”; the director did not elaborate. It is possible that it was about finding a nature for movieing a sequel, or Cameron in this way informed his fans about the trip to the Amazon jungle, which he undertook with Arnold Schwarzenegger. The first version is supported by an interview with the director for AFP, in which he announced that he intends to take all the actors of Avatar 2 to the rainforests so that they can experience their atmosphere for themselves. It is assumed that the scenario of the first sequel to Avatar will be ready by the end of 2011, and the movie itself will be released in 2014. The Topic of Article: James Cameron visited Pandora. |