Producers Guild Nominated for its Award (Topic)

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Producers Guild Nominated for its Award


The Film and Television Producers Guild of America has unveiled a list of nominees for its annual award. For the Best Film of the Year award ten paintings will apply.

1. " Operation Argo

2. " Beasts of the Wild South "

3. Django Unchained

4. " Life of Pi "

5. " Lincoln "

6. "Les Miserables"

7. " Moonrise Kingdom "

8. " My boyfriend is crazy "

9. " 007: Skyfall Coordinates

10. " Target number one "

Best Animated Feature presented:

1. "Brave"

2. " Frankenweenie "

3. " ParaNorman or how to tame zombies "

4. " Keepers of Dreams "

5. " Ralph "

Best Drama Series will fight:

1. " Breaking Bad "

2. " Downton Abbey "

3. " Game of Thrones "

4. " A stranger among their own "

5. " Mad Men "

The winners will be announced on January 26, 2013. Typically, Guild Award winners then receive major Academy Awards.

The Topic of Article: Producers Guild Nominated for its Award.
Author: Jake Pinkman
